Where to next you ask?
Go West old man!
After enjoying pinhole photography now for a few years I have the urge to go West again; on my bucket list has always been Yosemite National Park.
While I love working with the 4x5 format I think I want to simplify a bit. I have admired the 2x3 formatted cameras from afar but I think I am about to pull the trigger now. I am thinking (preliminarily) of using this in Yosemite. Reason being is the medium format roll adapters available. This seems more sensible than 4x5 sheets which must be loaded and unloaded in a dark place not to mention how the costs of these films have skyrocketed. If I purchased as much film as I did back in 2004 when I visited Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks the costs would be close to $1000 just for film. Back then it was about $200. Then remember these must be processed and the labs readily accessible in 2004 are no longer in business so specialized processing of these films is tricky, costly and probably quite a bit of work. I don’t mind hard work mind you but in weighing my options I am leaning to the 2x3 format/medium format film option.
The camera I just purchased from Japan is a Horseman VH 6x9. Next I am searching for a lens and a roll back for 120 film. I purchased a very clean the 90mm lens which has a angle of view similar to the Bronica 80mm I spent 20 years shooting weddings. We called them ‘normal’ lenses. I am looking to accomplish this all within a budget of $1000.
So far I have spent:
$199 camera body
$235 lens
$150 8 exposure roll back
$75 polaroid setup (if I ever find film that is!)
I will keep this page updated on my progress. Cheers and Happy New Year!!!