pinhole photography / camera obscura
my current pinhole cameras: ONDU 6x9 Rise (above) ONDU 6x9 Rise (below)
My latest, and in some aspects, the single most exciting work I have ever done is pinhole photography; these cameras do not have a glass lens and are as basic as you will ever find. This is the exact type of photography that I have totally ignored for my whole photographic life; maybe because I can now work on what I like in my post-professional photography existence. Yay me!
A few years ago after ‘shooting’ with a Holga 120 in London & Paris I realized that once I stopped seeking the sharpest images and learned to pursue the mysteriously slightly blurred images created with this ‘toy’ plastic camera, this one with a plastic lens I might add and was I truly smiling when I had seen the results; work I might add that needed to be once again ‘developed’ in chemicals, like the ‘old days’; I had to experience the patience laden waiting once again. Nothing ‘instant’ about this analog process.
These pinhole images tend to have corners that are darkened and obscured and places where ‘reality’ seems to bend a bit, not unlike a dream. I find this type of work both rewarding and interesting, much to my delight the type of work one might find on a dustjacket of a spy novel or the mysterious cabin in the woods mystery book, if they still printed books :)
For whatever reasons (really now— must one have a reason?) this is the work that is making me most happy right now. I hope you enjoy viewing it even if just a fraction of how much I have enjoyed creating it.